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Activity for trichoplax‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #289277 Post edited:
Add spaces around slash where one of the alternatives is more than a single word, plus typos
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289812 For future Meta discussions you can avoid this problem by keeping the question neutral and putting your opinions into an answer.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289812 The answer to the other question has 4 votes in favour of allowing. This question has no votes in favour of removing, as it does not yet have any answers that propose removing. Votes on the question show support for having the discussion, and cannot be conclusively interpreted as supporting the qu...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289696 If you believe that a post is off topic, you can start a [Meta discussion]( and see if the community agrees with you. If so, the definition of what is on topic can be amended accordingly.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289696 If you see a post that needs moderator attention, you can press the "Flag" button under it and write a message to the moderators. This ensures a moderator will see it, and also avoids the distraction of needing to put a message in your answer.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289699 It's not a rule. Each person votes as they see fit. The end result is that we can get an impression of which answers people approve of.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289699 It's a similar idea in Codidact communities in general. Voting shows which answer to a question the community thinks most highly of.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289699 Generally people post an answer making their case for what should happen, and then the community can vote on each of the answers so we can see which answer has the support of the community.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289665 They will have different effects for different people at different times: - When someone is looking for a question that is ready to answer they can filter out downvoted questions. - When someone is looking to help improve questions they can filter to show only downvoted questions.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289665 Downvotes are anonymous by design and do not require a comment. If you think this should be changed, you could discuss this on Codidact Meta. There has been a [General discussion on making votes public](, and you could post a new question about requiring comment...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289665 Post edited:
Typos, formatting, tidying
over 1 year ago
Suggested Edit Post #289665 Suggested edit:
Typos, formatting, tidying
helpful over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289639 I agree that the example question is of low quality, but the close reason suggested it was off topic, which is a different problem. I understand your answer to mean that the example question is near to being on topic but low quality (so either the wrong close reason was used, or else it should not...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289641 Thank you for clarifying. > General Q&A about worldbuilding and other speculative developments that can be extrapolated from science. Although the community is not restricted solely to world building, the Q&A category description suggests it is a big part of determining what is on topic. If tha...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289641 You can also propose a new community name on Meta, then the community can decide whether they prefer it.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289641 I agree that some of the questions do not match the current description of what's on topic. That could be fixed by one of: 1. Closing those questions as off topic. 2. Suggesting a change to what's on topic, for the community to vote on.
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289636 Post edited:
Tidying and including the example question name in the link text
over 1 year ago
Suggested Edit Post #289636 Suggested edit:
Tidying and including the example question name in the link text
helpful over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289641 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Shouldnt this question be moved instead of closed ?
On topic for the community name only The question could be assumed to be on topic for the name of this community: "Scientific Speculation". It is indeed a speculative question about science that hasn't been discovered yet, extrapolated from science that is still in the process of being tested. Li...
over 1 year ago
Suggested Edit Post #289277 Suggested edit:
Add spaces around slash where one of the alternatives is more than a single word, plus typos
helpful over 1 year ago
Comment Post #288211 Of the Lagrange points, [only L4 and L5 are stable](, so a moon at L1 or L2 would fall into a different orbit rather than give a fixed shadow on either the planet or the moon. I really like the idea of this fixed shadow though. I don't know wh...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288197 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: Could there be a way for a solar system to be very precise, so that the lunar calendar and solar calendar align?
Precise alignment for a limited time Alignment of one ratio In your world, how long do you require the alignment to last? As Olin Lathrops's answer explains, stable resonances are very unlikely to arise for large number ratios. A whole number of lunar months in a year, or a whole number of days ...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #287831 Post edited:
Use Markdown footnote syntax
about 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #287831 Suggested edit:
Use Markdown footnote syntax
helpful about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287511 I think the recent individual questions about how a specific sport might be adjusted for low gravity are a good fit for Q&A. It's only this one question that I'm having concerns about. It seems like it might be better suited to chat, and then the ideas thrown up could become specific questions later....
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #287511 Would these individual ideas be better asked as separate questions? A request for arbitrary suggestions doesn't seem like a good fit for the question and answer format. I wouldn't know whether to interpret voting on the answers as a measure of how well the answer is written, or a measure of how po...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287428 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: Do we want to consider removing (most) mass-imported questions
Since voting on this discussion is currently unclear, I'm separating out each proposal from the question for voting, each in its own answer: Proposal 3 > Posts that were imported, claimed, not edited, but have at least 5 upvotes (I don't know if we have any of these): the votes indicate that the ...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287427 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: Do we want to consider removing (most) mass-imported questions
Since voting on this discussion is currently unclear, I'm separating out each proposal from the question for voting, each in its own answer: Proposal 2 > Posts that were imported, claimed, and not edited: compile a list, give authors time to improve if they want, and otherwise delete. (We can ask...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287426 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: Do we want to consider removing (most) mass-imported questions
Since voting on this discussion is currently unclear, I'm separating out each proposal from the question for voting, each in its own answer: Proposal 1 > Posts that were imported, not claimed, and not edited: delete. For a question, these properties need to apply to the answers too.
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287425 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question Incorrect number of answers showing in questions list
I've noticed that some questions have a mismatch between the number of answers showing in the question list page, and the number of answers showing on the specific question page. For example, the Rigorous Science question list shows 4 answers here: Question in list showing 4 answers However, th...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287423 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: How Would the Sport of Wrestling Change in a Microgravity Environment?
"How would" has no answer The question "How would wrestling change" is unanswerable. There are many different ways in which a sport could change in a new environment. As with most sports, "wrestling" is a term used to describe several variants. Most are based around some combination of: - Forcin...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287393 Post edited:
Typo in question title
over 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #287393 Suggested edit:
Typo in question title
helpful over 2 years ago