This question was discussed by Kyle Hill in his early video on the scene in Days of Future Past in which Magneto rips out iron from the security guard. He begins by noting that the large majority o...
Satellites will still be visible. A couple of characteristics make human satellites easy to see. They are fast and bright. Slow objects are difficult to pick out from the background star field. ...
So couldn't earth be odd shaped other than a sphere? No. Something the size of the earth has significant gravity. There isn't material strong enough over large distances to result in anything mo...
After an age of highly developed technology, including many different satellites in various Earth orbits, humanity loses the technology needed to control those satellites. After many centuries, how...
Hello! I am thinking about analogue mobile telephones, but they have some severe flaws- the most significant being privacy. How could an analogue system be encrypted? It doesn't need to be complet...
We try to hammer these things out during the proposal phase; really we do... but in the last day or two we've seen some objections to the name "Speculative Science", and if we're going to change it...
The shape of the Earth is mostly a result of its gravity pulling its mass into the most efficient shape available. The oceans are also pulled towards the centre of mass, and collect on the lowest ...
Welcome to the Codidact home for the Scientific Speculation community, an outgrowth of the SE Worldbuilding community. Please use it, report problems and make requests on Meta, and collect your th...
Someone posted a Worldbuilding proposal on the Codidact incubator. The topics allowed on such a site are very similar to the topics allowed on this site; for the most part Scientific Speculation i...
What about simply reversing the name? Instead of "Speculative Science", potentially implying speculating about science (with all the implications of that), we could have "Scientific Speculation", i...
I've had a number of interesting conversations with people about how the cosmic microwave background (CMB) will evolve in the future. The CMB is the sea of photons left over from the epoch of recom...
In a story that I'm writing, there is a giant waterfall which flows down a cliff face. The waterfall is extraordinarily large, and the torrents of water which flow over the side are deafening. Beh...
Neutrinos have extremely low masses, and it's quite easy for them to reach high energies and speeds. As such, it almost always makes sense to treat a neutrino as being relativistic. I've been doing...
Earth's rotation is slowing down, and in this article Randall Munroe gives some ideas to accelerate the rotation - or at least to keep it from slowing down as quickly. He concludes that the only "s...
Is it possible, given a strong enough magnet, to rip out iron based molecules out of the blood stream/body of a person/animal? Would such an event be the thing that kills someone or are there other...
I took the tour and was told that questions about magic wouldn't find a place here. That's when I started looking around. There are 500+ tags, apparently not a single one of them has a summary...
Diamonds are hard, but brittle, and not particularly strong. Diamond as a basis for armor doesn't make much sense. Brittleness is bad when sudden impact is exactly the stress being defended again...
Precise alignment for a limited time Alignment of one ratio In your world, how long do you require the alignment to last? As Olin Lathrops's answer explains, stable resonances are very unlikely ...
While the other posts did already explain the issues with the cube-formed Earth, I just want to give a feeling of the dimensions we are speaking of. Imagine that the centre of the cube's faces are...
You can't go by the shape of the building alone. No matter what the shape, presumably structural engineers carefully considered how the building will support itself. Buildings are not single mono...
It seems you want to "store" energy as light by keeping it bouncing around inside a chamber. No, that's not going to work, at least not for more than a few 10s of nanoseconds for a chamber the siz...
You can hand-wave the right types of lights that produce the right mix of wavelengths, but you can't hand-wave away the power requirements. Sunlight reaching the earth's surface is about 1.2 kW/m2...
Easy answer: No You're using the same technology to do two different things: remove hair and remove or encourage healing of scar tissue. Hair removal uses a laser frequency that's absorbed by...
When we did the initial import from Worldbuilding SE, the [hard-science] tag was handled specially and routed to the Researched Q&A category while removing that tag, but its siblings [science-b...
why would such a species have retained their ability to hear Because they still go outside to hunt, gather food and materials, and to interact with others of their species that live in other caves...