Comments on Should we remove "What would X sport in space look like ?" questions
Should we remove "What would X sport in space look like ?" questions
Do posts like (What would X Sport look like in space?) belong in this community? It has nothing to do with science, some physics at best, and even then, only to a certain degree.
In a previous meta question the community unanimously supported this type of question
I get that, but there are more votes in this post to remove them then in the original post to allow, I don't mean to try and discredit your opinion but in this case what do you recommend be done ?
The answer to the other question has 4 votes in favour of allowing. This question has no votes in favour of removing, as it does not yet have any answers that propose removing.
Votes on the question show support for having the discussion, and cannot be conclusively interpreted as supporting the questioner's preference.
Downvotes on an answer that supports allowing also cannot be conclusively interpreted as opposing the answerer's proposal, as they could instead be objecting to the answerer's style or reasoning.
If you want to be able to measure support for regarding something as off topic, I recommend adding an answer explaining your reasoning, and then upvotes on that answer will unambiguously indicate support.
For future Meta discussions you can avoid this problem by keeping the question neutral and putting your opinions into an answer.
Ok thank you, I will do that.
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1 comment thread