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Rigorous Science

What stellar number density would two galaxies have to have for another star to collide with the Sun during a galactic merger?


The Milky Way and Andromeda will collide a few billion years in the future. Stellar collisions will be rare because - as Douglas Adams put it - "Space is big. Really, really big." In the galactic disk, the number density of stars is quite low. Chances are good that the Solar System will not be ejected from the galaxy or collide with another star.

I'd like the Sun-like star in my planetary system in the Milky Way to collide with another star in Andromeda during the interaction between the two galaxies. Obviously, there's no way for there to be a 100% chance of this happening. I'd settle for a 90% chance, give or take.

What stellar number density would both galaxies have to have for there to be a ~90% chance of a collision? In other words, how many stars would the two galaxies have to have for a collision to be this probable?

As a start, I know that the collision rate for N stars of mean velocity v and gravitational cross-section σ in a volume V is Γ=NσvV and so if the collision takes a time τ, then the total fraction of stars that collide is f2ΓτN=2σvτV However, this assumes that the stars are all essentially identical, with random motions in a uniform, unchanging space. During a galactic collision, however, the kinematics of the stars should change drastically throughout the interaction, so I'm not sure if the above approach is valid.

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It's not that much about density

I'm not an astrophysicist, I love reading about space and would love also to have a real awesome hard-science answer to this question, but while reading up on it this is what I came to conclude.

To answer this question properly (which I doubt I will entirely), you first need to determine two things. 1 - how star collisions happen, and 2 - how dense is your average galaxy.

1 - I'm basing this off of this page (which I think is plausible but does not make it hard proof) Can Stars Collide?. The probability no matter what the event of 2 stars directly crashing into one another is ridiculously low. If you consider the speeds at which stars travel through space, the vastness of space etc... Even if 10 stars were to pass through our solar system right now, the chances of any of them directly hitting the sun would be very slim. (That being said they would still completely mess up everything). What is much more likely to happen, is depending on the speed at which they meet the stars would either start orbiting themselves and eventually merge, or if meeting at ridiculously high speeds and passing close enough slingshot into one another and blow everything up. The latter however is unlikely to happen. Scholz's star passed through our outer Solar system a couple of thousands of years ago and its trajectory was only slightly perturbed (and it is much smaller than the sun).

2 - Galaxies are fancy to look at from afar and seem to house ridiculously huge amounts of stars (and look rather dense). Once again that's just because the human eye cannot even begin to represent the vastness of space. From Wikipedia I found that the density of stars in space surrounding the Sun (which is far out from the center of our Galaxy which is denser) is of one star per 284 cubic light years. (That's not a lot — Scholz's star passed within .8 ly of the Sun) The core is thought to have about 500 times that density (or 1 star per 1.75 cubic ly) and that's ignoring the fact that dust, gases, and the gigantic black hole at the center of it accounts for most of that mass. Still even if it were 1/1.75, again probabilities are still ridiculously low, although making huge amounts of merges and orbiting stars much more likely.

All of that being said. When Andromeda merges with the Milky Way (because if you've read all of the above I trust everyone understands there won't be any explosions on a galactic level) a few dozens of stars will most likely merge or collide with one another closer to the cores. The galaxy will change, tidal forces reshaping it, but with the relatively low density of stars all around, most of that will occur with very little effect on the stars of the outer parts themselves. Many more stars will likely collide and merge near the core in the aftermath but not that much more than whats already taking place anyway.

What would be needed for the Sun to be hit.

  • First off if we merge into Andromeda near its core, that would obviously up the chances of the Sun merging/colliding with another star by a lot, yet were still talking about low probabilities and that probably won't happen because I assume the cores will attract one another. Seeing as we're far from the center that leaves us relatively untouched, but then who knows how the two galaxies will merge. Maybe Andromeda will be coming at an angle and its core will pass through the arms of the Milky Way before reaching our core.

  • Second, if that were to happen, we'd either end up sucked into Andromeda's core (which I don't count as a collision, even though it's just as world-ending) or get trapped in it which means that sooner or later the sun WOULD merge or collide with another star but only simply as a result of being near the core of the new formed galaxy. So the only way it seems (to me) to have a high probability of hitting one of Andromeda's stars is to pass very near its core.

Most of everything I've written comes from searches on Wikipedia (which is not absolute truth or devoid of errors) and the links I posted. Hope it helps.

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Well, this is easily answered, but first we need to get a few assumptions stated. First, let's assume that all stars are the same size as our sun, about 5 light-seconds across (I'll use ls often in the following, as a contraction for light-seconds). Second, we'll assume that our system will pass through the Andromeda pretty much on a diameter through the galactic disk, for a path length of 260,000 light years. Third, the Andromeda will be modeled as possessing a uniform density of N stars/cubic light-year. This is clearly not true, but we need to start somewhere. Finally, two stars will be said to collide if they pass within the Roche limit for the sun, 2.5 times the radius, or 6.25 ls.

The first thing to realize is that, at the current approach velocity, 110 kps, it's going to take a looong time to make the first pass through — about 700 million years. Second, the Milky way and Andromeda will continue to interact after they pass each other, eventually forming the Milkomeda galaxy, so looking at the first pass-thru is not nearly the whole story. Finally, the density of the Milky Way is irrelevant, since we are only dealing with the behavior of a single star.

So. Let's start by modeling the path through Andromeda as a series of volumes 1 light-year on a side. That will be 260,000 of these volumes. It is straightforward to determine the collision probability within any given volume. Actually, we start by determining the miss probability; that is, the probability that the Sun will miss all the stars in a volume, and raise that to the 260,000 power to get the probability that the Sun will miss all the stars in its path. As it happens .9999911260000=.0988. Close enough. So the probability of collision in a single volume must be 1.9999911, or 8.9×106.

Now let's think about one target volume. Its area is 1 light year by 1 light year, or (if you do the seconds to years conversion) 9.94×1014 ls2. The critical area around each star is 30.7 ls2. The miss probability is high enough that we can simply ignore the possibility of one star "hiding behind" another.

Then the number of stars required to block 8.9×106 of the volume's area is given by


and N=8.9×106×9.94×1014/30.7

so N=2.9×108, or in rough numbers 300 million stars / cubic light year.

In other words, assuming uniform spacing, the stars in the Andromeda galaxy would need to be spaced at 800 light-minute intervals, assuming cubic packing. Another way to look at it is that an equivalent spacing closer to home would result in 2900 stars between us and Alpha Centauri. Or, even better, this density corresponds to packing the entire Milky Way into a volume 10 light years on a side.

Can you say, "supermassive black hole"? I knew you could.

That's not to say such an assembly of stars would constitute a black hole - only that it's just a matter of time.

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