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Activity for Antares‭

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Comment Post #292119 You misunderstood... this same question is existing/has been posted 3 times in the list of questions.
21 days ago
Comment Post #292407 @#8176 Valid points you make there. I described a really worst case scenario with an immensely strong solar wind hitting the satellites overwhelming all the protection the satellites already have. The real mileage may vary.
28 days ago
Edit Post #292408 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292408 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: How Could Golf Change in a Low-Gravity Environment?
Golf morphs into a multiple players action sport Nothing could be more boring than watching one person hit a small ball, then trudging after it while wearing trés chic golf pants and visored caps. Imagine eleven players in a row like at a driving range. Each of them has colored balls. After the...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292407 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: What happens if Earth's magnetic field shuts down? How long does it take for damage to occur?
Earth will be devastated. I'll try to give you a highlevel rundown of what would happen. Rapidly vs. Slowly Yes, the effects would be substantially different. Depending on the speed of fading the effects on earth would become increasingly stronger. The worst case being the dissolving from on...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292119 Can this be deleted? Because I have seen three other postings with this content closely after this one.
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292406 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: Large-Scale Biosphere on Mars: Interior Weather
I know of real-world examples for "weather" in aircraft hangars. Those are huge, but your intended 215km dome is far larger by magnitudes. So if the barrier is right (I cannot suggest something here) then you should definitely have weather there (at least plausibly).
about 2 months ago