How to differentiate between elves and men
So in most fantasies elves and men are very similar in their physical appearance to where they look mostly the same, the only way they tend to be physically differentiated is by their ears and clear skin. The truth is that in most fantasies differentiating between these two just isn't a problem. I mean the two species are almost always segregated from each-other. The elves tend to have special magical powers (and and a degree of divinity), plus, they're usually immortal.
But here's my problem: all species intermingle with no racial segregation, all peoples are equivalent in their potential magical abilities and are all equivalently made in the image of God, (and as a Christian I have to say that I believe since we are made in the image of God we were divine (but when we were corrupted, by sin, our divinity was removed)) and most of all, there is no serious difference in life span between either men or elves. So how do I differentiate between men and elves biologically to the point where you can tell them apart at a glance?
Just for some information on what I am looking for: I am going for something possibly similar to a level of differentiation between wolves and foxes, room for breeding and cultural manipulation of the body in both elves and humans. Also, major differences in average height is not something I'm going for.
Just to give a bit more guidance it would be something like how humans have rounded ears and elves have pointed ones; a common distinction I will probably use, but applied to more areas of the body separate recommendations for Male and female elves may be required. Any difference in the average physical ability of elves and men is allowed but not what I am looking for.
Edit: When it comes to me talking about them being made "in the image of God" I wasn't talking about how their body looks, I was talking about the nonphysical attributes like emotions, reason and many others. What I was trying to say is that they're equal in magical potential and in their worth to God (though if I was to speak in reality the characters are worth the words on the page they take up) which (in universe) is priceless.
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So they essentially look the same, minus the ears, live the same length, have the same magical aptitude... Am I right in understanding that you just want it to be like different dog breeds? If so that means that elves and humans can probably breed. And that means Elves are just another kind of human with a different ancestral heritage.
Like people with European heritage generally have pale skin. People with African heritage generally have darker skin. But other than some superficial outside characteristics there are no meaningful differences.
So if you want them to be different at a glance, just take a few characteristics like ear shape, make them slightly pointed. Eye shape, could be slightly bigger/rounder. Height, to make them taller and thinner. Complexion, very pale. Hair color, naturally bleach white. etc.
All this can be done easily through very simple racial drift.
Changes like these can also work even if you don't want them to be able to breed with humans. Say God created humans, God created elves, and they are different, these are the characteristics of Elves that make them look different.
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You could make a different colour scheme for your elves: just as humans are all shades of brown (from pinky-beige "Caucasian" to dark), with pink or yellow undertones, your elves could be different shades of green. Or blue. Then your half-elves could be some sort of mixed colour, or they could have patches like calico cats - whatever appearance you like best.
Your elves could have a different pattern of body hair growth. Remember how Tolkien's hobbits had no beards, but instead had hairy feet? You can get creative with that. And maybe give them non-human hair colours. Maybe even multiple-coloured hair.
Ear shape, eye shape, body proportions (longer fingers, broader shoulders, etc.) - it's your playground. You can toy with the colour and shape of anything and everything.
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