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What impact is required for a visible (from Earth) ejecta plume on Earth's Moon, and would the Moon survive?


Take the Earth-Moon system as we know it. Now, something causes a large rock to be lobbed in the direction of our moon. Exactly how that happens is deliberately left unspecified; it could be everything from an Earth-Mars war, to a rogue planet passing through the solar system, to something else entirely.

The impact should be sufficiently energetic to cause the resulting ejecta plume to be clearly visible from Earth to any creature with human-like vision who happens to be looking Moonward at the time. Let's put the lower limit for this at a plume height of about 10% of the angle subtended by the Moon itself as viewed from Earth at the maximum height where there is still a reasonable particle density. Bonus points to answers taking into account albedo and particle density, but that's not required.

You may choose the time, point and angle of impact arbitrarily, as long as the condition of visibility from Earth is met. (So hitting the back side of the Moon probably won't do it, but you are free to hit the Apennines from the side if you want to.) I'm thinking a direct hit near the terminator near full moon, but if something else works then feel free. I'm hoping for the spectacular effect, which is why I'm not fixating on any particular location.

You can assume that humans do nothing to counter the threat of an approaching large space rock; as to why, there is every reason from technical or physical inability to international politics or that humans are long gone from the planet.

With the preliminaries out of the way, two very much related questions:

What impactor parameters could give this short-term effect? Impactor mass, velocity (relative to the Moon), strike angle, location if relevant, any other relevant parameters I'm not thinking of?

Will the Moon likely survive the impact in the medium term? Said in one other way, is the impact energy comfortably below the gravitational binding energy of the Moon (which is approximately 1.24×1029 J)? You don't need to worry about the effect of the impact on the Moon's orbit.

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How small of a thing can we see on the moon?

Wikipedia has a list of objects on the moon that can be visible with unaided vision. Doing some poking around Astronomy blogs for real-life experience as opposed to calculations, the mode answer seems to be the crater Tycho, which is 86 km across.

What needs to hit the moon to make a 86 km ejecta plume?

First, lets use kinematics to determine how fast the ejecta must be going to get to that height. We can use vf2=vi2+2ad where d is 86000 meters, a is the surface gravity of the moon, -1.6 m/s2, and vf = 0. I solve this for vi = 524 m/s.

Next we can go to a paper to calculate expected ejecta velocity, such as Richardson, et al., 2007. If you look at Fig 7. of this paper, it shows that ejecta velocity is a logarithmic function of distance from the impactor's edge. Now I could not extract any useful information for what mass density of ejecta would be needed to be visible, and this is getting a bit mathematically complicated anyways, so lets make a simplifying assumption that we need the impact to cause ejecta within 1km of the impact edge to be going 500 m/s.

From equation (12) we can calculate the volume of the transient impact crater as Vg=K1(miρt)(gavi2)3μ2+μ. The density ratio term from eqn (12) is dropped; we'll assume that the density of the impactor is the same as the moon. For material properties we will use 'soft rock' from Table 1; so μ=0.55, ρt=2250, and K1=0.2. mi is the mass of the impactor, and a is its radius. We can express mass in terms of radius as mi=4/3πρta3. the gravitational force of the moon is g and equals 1.6 m/s2. I resolve this expression as Vg=1.7a2.353vi1.29.

Now for follow on equations, we want Rg, radius of the transient impact crater, which is related in equation (11). I solve that backwards for Rg=(3πVg)1/3=1.18a.784vi.431. As a test run of our model so far, if you plug in a 100m object and a 10 km/s impact, you get a 2.3 km transient impact crater. Great!

Now we move on to eqn (28) which gives us ejecta velocity as a function of distance from impactor rim ve(r)=2CTg(μμ+1)gRg(rRg)1/μ.

CTg is a proportionality constant equal to 1.6, see discussion around Eqns (15) and (20). I simplify these terms to ve(r)=.397r1.82Rg2.32. We want ve to be 500 m/s at a distance of r = 1000 m, so plugging these and Rg in we can solve for radius and velocity 2.47×108=a1.82vi. Obviously, there are infinitely many solutions, but for some reasonable projectiles, if we set radius to be 250 m, then impact speed must be 10.7 km/s. At maximum comet speed of about 70 km/s, we get a radius of about 90m.


To make an ejecta plume visible on the moon's surface to the naked eye, you need to hit it with an object at least 100m if it is moving at the speed of a long term comet, or at least 250m for a glancing blow.

The second question is an obvious yes, those impacts are pretty small on a scale of 'things that have hit the moon', and won't leave a (naked eye) visible impact crater when all is said and done.

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This post was sourced from It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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