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What is the minimum planetary mass to hold an atmosphere over geologic time scales?


I realize that many factors affect this answer so assume the following:

  1. Star type: G2 star (like our Sun)
  2. Composition: O2, N2, CO2, H2O atmosphere
  3. Magnetic field: Two different magnetic field strengths (none or minimal & Earth strength)
  4. Distance: two different mean orbital radius (Earth distance & Mars distance & if you feel ambitious do Venus too :) )
  5. Duration: I'm looking for geologic times scales 1-2 billion years or more)

I believe that planetary mass is a better parameter to use than surface gravity.

Earth's mass with a magnetic field is sufficient at our global temperature. Mars' mass (about 10% of Earth's) without a magnetic field is insufficient at its colder temperature.

Would the Earth without a magnetic field work? Would Mars with a magnetic field work?

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This post was sourced from It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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First, kudos to you for realizing that planetary mass is not the only thing influencing how a planet (or even if!) a planet holds on to its atmosphere. Distance is also an important factor. Thanks for not putting it too close to the central star. I know that this is a terrestrial planet, so it wouldn't be a hot Jupiter, but conditions there would be just as brutal. In fact, we can calculate just how brutal they would be by calculating the planetary equilibrium temperature: T=(L(1a)16σπD2)14 We can approximation that LLSun=3.846×1026. As another approximation, a=0.3. We also know that σ=5.670×108. Plugging this all in, T=(3.846×1026(10.3)16×5.670×108πD2)14=9.85856×107×D12 At DV, DE, and DM, this comes out to TV=299.986 K TE=254.547 K TM=207.515 K As far as approximations go, those are pretty similar to what we see, give or take a few dozen Kelvin (with the exception of Venus, which got screwed over by greenhouse gases). Mars' approximation is actually accurate to within a few Kelvin. Earth is the only one which is off, and that's only by about 30 Kelvin. That's pretty good. Tempted though I am to add in a fudge factor, I grudgingly admit that the model works for Mars, and there are a whole bunch of things on Earth (cough cough water, land and humans) which influence its results.

Using kinetic energy, we can relate the root mean square speed of a particle to its temperature via v=3kTm At each of the radii, we have a different relation: vV=1.11×1010(mkg)1/2 m/s vE=1.03×1010(mkg)1/2 m/s vM=9.27×1011(mkg)1/2 m/s If the root mean square speed is greater than escape velocity, then some of the atmosphere will escape. vescape=2GMr I ran the numbers for each planet and gas. I assumed that mO2=5.3×1026 kg, mN2=4.7×1026 kg, mCO2=7.3×1026 kg, and mH2O=3×1026 kg. I then have a grid of values for the minimum mass, Mmin, found by setting vescape equal to each of the speeds calculated above. The results are given relative to Earth masses (in 103M): VenusEarthMarsO21.861.601.30N22.101.801.46CO21.351.160.941H2O3.282.832.29 As you can see, these are all a few orders of magnitude below the mass of Earth, and are roughly the mass of the Moon - maybe less by a factor of several. As an order-of-magnitude estimate, this makes sense, given that the Moon only has an extremely tenuous atmosphere.

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