What is the minimum planetary mass to hold an atmosphere over geologic time scales?
I realize that many factors affect this answer so assume the following:
- Star type: G2 star (like our Sun)
- Composition: O2, N2, CO2, H2O atmosphere
- Magnetic field: Two different magnetic field strengths (none or minimal & Earth strength)
- Distance: two different mean orbital radius (Earth distance & Mars distance & if you feel ambitious do Venus too :) )
- Duration: I'm looking for geologic times scales
1-2 billion years or more)
I believe that planetary mass is a better parameter to use than surface gravity.
Earth's mass with a magnetic field is sufficient at our global temperature. Mars' mass (about 10% of Earth's) without a magnetic field is insufficient at its colder temperature.
Would the Earth without a magnetic field work? Would Mars with a magnetic field work?
This post was sourced from https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/q/13583. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
1 answer
First, kudos to you for realizing that planetary mass is not the only thing influencing how a planet (or even if!) a planet holds on to its atmosphere. Distance is also an important factor. Thanks for not putting it too close to the central star. I know that this is a terrestrial planet, so it wouldn't be a hot Jupiter, but conditions there would be just as brutal. In fact, we can calculate just how brutal they would be by calculating the planetary equilibrium temperature:
Using kinetic energy, we can relate the root mean square speed of a particle to its temperature via
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