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Comments on Requirements of posts in Rigorous Science


Requirements of posts in Rigorous Science


To replace using the like of the 'hard-science' tag on Worldbuilding SE, we have the 'Rigorous Science' category. As evident in the name, this involves 'research' of some form, but what does this mean?

That is, what are the requirements for a question in that category and what are the requirements for an answer in that category? If you have a question, how do you know whether or not it's suitable for that category?

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The way I see it for now (and I reserve the right to change my mind in response to discussion in response to this :-))

All of these points are valid for both questions and answers in the standard Q&A category as well; it's just that, in Researched Q&A, we take the normal nice to haves and bump many of them to more like requirements.


Questions in the Researched Q&A category should:

  • Be "well-researched". This isn't the place to drop random ideas just for the fun of it. Take some time to consider the implications of what you are asking about. Try to anticipate follow-up questions, and handle them prematurely in the question (without going overboard). You don't need to have every answer, but at least show that you understand potential issues surrounding whatever you're asking about.
  • Be "clearly explained". Take some extra time to show that you have done your homework. Be extra specific about what you want help with, or what you want answers to focus on.
  • Be "supported with references, equations, or empirical evidence based on current, widely-accepted science". This doesn't mean that your question cannot be about imaginary things! It's fine to ask a Researched Q&A question about, say, faster-than-light travel, or terraforming, or shapeshifters. However, in that case, you must specify enough about how they work so that answerers can reason about them rigorously. Be prepared to get questions about whatever fictious element you're introducing, if any, and answer those by editing the question to include additional information. In the absence of any special mentions in the question, answerers should be able to assume that the world you're asking about works exactly like our real world. If that means that what you're asking about cannot possibly work, then "you can't have that, and here's a summary of why" is a perfectly valid answer.


Answers in the Researched Q&A category should:

  • Be "well-researched". Don't just say something because you've heard someone mention it, or because you've come across it somewhere. Make sure it actually applies in the first place. (For example, is the formula you're using appropriate for the problem you're trying to solve?)
  • Be "clearly explained". This of course applies everywhere, but goes double in Researched Q&A because answers there are likely to rely on specialist knowledge of some kind. Don't just give the answer, but also take extra steps to describe how you arrived at that answer. (For example, explain why you choose to use that particular formula to derive a particular value.)
  • Be "supported with references, equations, or empirical evidence". Show your work! The concept of the World Wide Web was born out of researchers' desires to share their work and easily cross-link between it. You don't necessarily have to link to scientific papers, although if you can, that's beneficial (but don't rely on others having access to the full paper, unless it's open access). Make sure to summarize the salient point from what you're linking to as it relates to the answer you're writing and if necessarily clarify why it applies. (For example, insert the formula, with appropriate values, and describe why you're using it and what the value you're using it to calculate means, in the context of the answer.)
  • "...based on current, widely-accepted science". This isn't the place for one's pet fringe idea. If you base your answer to a significant degree on retracted scientific papers, superceded scientific knowledge, non-peer-reviewed publications (including preprints or mainstream media press releases), or claims that are either widely disputed by established scientists in the appropriate field, or go against widely accepted scientific knowledge, then you're probably going about this the wrong way. (For example, if you base your answer on the premise that the speed of light is infinite, unless that's actually somehow postulated in the question, your answer is probably not going to be particularly helpful.) This doesn't mean that answerers cannot make reasonable extrapolations! For an example of how one might extrapolate in answers, uplifted animals don't exist in our world, but it's possible to make plausible extrapolations of fields such as genetic engineering that, while challenging in engineering terms, are plausible scientifically; such extrapolations are allowed, but should be clearly indicated as such.

I would like to add another little detail: Don't rush! Particularly people who post in the Researched Q&A category should recognize that it will probably take longer before they get an answer, because the requirements they place on answers by posting there are higher. Take the time to make your answer as good as you possibly can, at a minimum meeting the category criteria; then consider whether there is any way at all you can make it even better.

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General comments (5 comments)
General comments
Sigma‭ wrote almost 5 years ago

Would it make any kind of sense to limit Researched Q&A to people who have reached a certain trust level? At that point they should be slightly more familiar with the site and have a better feel for what questions go where.

Canina‭ wrote almost 5 years ago

@Sigma I'm not sure what's possible with Codidact/QPixel as it is, to be honest. I would suggest that you ask that as a separate question so it can get the exposure it deserves.

Mithrandir24601‭ wrote almost 5 years ago

@sigma That idea potentially falls down if people are here only for that category, in my view, but it would make it easier to moderate everything

HDE 226868‭ wrote over 4 years ago

@aCVn Are you okay with me co-opting some of the phrasing here for the help center page? I'd like to tentatively put something together based on the points we all agree on, and I think some of your wording is good.

Canina‭ wrote over 4 years ago

@HDE226868 Go right ahead. And I know the license on the answer says CC BY-SA 4.0, but there's no need to add explicit attribution to the help center. The whole purpose of this answer (and the question in the first place) is, after all, to figure out what criteria we want to have for that category.