Comments on What good are herbivores in an animal army?
What good are herbivores in an animal army?
This is a multi-species animal army with predators of all shapes and sixes, foxes, lions, bears, tigers, leopards, wolves, lynx, eagles, falcons and so on.
The herbivores have been excluded from the army because they appear to serve no apparent purpose. They have no talons, no sharp teeth, no ability to pounce on a foe. A few of the more patriotic herbivores have volunteered their services but every time were rebuffed and ridiculed.
This is strictly animal on animal combat. There are no tools or artificial armor. All animals have achieved human level intelligence without tool building. They are able to vocally communicate fluently regardless of their physiology. They feel the same six emotions that humans feel, anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness and sadness. Each species has general personality attributes derived from that species' physical characteristics. Eagles tend to be a bit arrogant. Wolves are highly social. Elephants tend toward wisdom and pontification.
Discussion about what the carnivores eat is out of scope. Also, why the herbivores would want to help the carnivores is out of scope. They just do.
How can the herbivores prove that they have a place in the army alongside the carnivores? What special capabilities do they bring to the table that would be valuable in winning a war?
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