Posts by AJ D.
The character I'm working om has the ability to compress/decompress air in a 2 foot radius around his body. His signature move is the "Thunder Punch" in which he compresses the air in front of his ...
Can an organism have traits that resemble both an animal and a plant? Such as bone, chlorophyll, muscles, and cell walls. Not necessarily a hybrid, but something that can be classified in between t...
In my universe a 4th SPACIAL dimension exists around our 3 dimensions. I'm playing with ideas for a society that has access to a 4th spacial dimension and am currently thinking of what they would b...
Say they had pale skin, what would they look like? Would the lips be black? Would the vascular system show through the skin more? I'm not very interested in how or why their blood is black, just ho...
I'm trying to build an underwater ecosystem under the ice crust of Ganymede. I know Jupiter emits a large amount of ionizing radiation and synchotrons and thought that would maybe be able to replac...