As recorded in Genesis 11:1-9, the ancients allegedly built a tower to the skies in a valley in Babylon (near present-day Baghdad), and God scattered them across the Earth as a punishment. Accordin...
A lifeless moon of a gas giant (which orbits a K-type star [4200K] at about 0.7 AU) is chosen to become home to a space colony. Colonists plan to transform it from a barren rock into a garden of Ed...
Let's say I'm an extremely rich and somewhat secretive research group who wants to carry out experiments and such away from the prying eyes of the public. One of the obvious ideas for the location ...
I was wondering if plants could absorb fine ice dust mixed into the soil. That is, without a thick layer of snow on the ground, but with traces of ice in the soil. As an extension of this, I wonde...
In movies like The Dark Knight, Mission Impossible 4, and Star Trek: Beyond, we see characters attempting to track another person by a unique radiation signature emitted from their body. In the cas...
The legends of lycanthropes go back eons; while they have changed over time, a common modern expression of them is of an infected or cursed human that is given the power to transform into a wolf an...
I have evidence that at some point last night a very large man, with a very large sack, somehow came down the chimney, left a gift under my tree, and departed without my noticing. There are sooty f...
Let us assume that my new world has within its rings, shells, and blobs of remarkably cool magnetically-involved stuff such that its magnetic field is toroidal (shaped like a donut) rather than sph...
I'm currently in the midst of a trilogy of novels. The planet is a swamp world with $.87$ g's of gravity, no axial tilt, $15.12$ psi atmospheric pressure, and whose mass is $.92$ of Earth. Atmosph...
Forgive me for misusing any terms. This is a subject I'm not knowledgeable in at all aside from doing some online research. In the novel I'm writing, I have an abandoned scientific polar research ...
Malgrovian gliders inhabit the middle layers of the atmosphere of Malgrov, a gas dwarf. They spend most of their life gliding, preying on giant balloon-like floating lifeforms. When they get olde...
Outline A planet which is heated tidally by its Brown Dwarf parent and permanently dark needs to have native alien life which has [somewhat similar biochemistry to Earth] and also be [permanently ...
If a human being was shrunken to 1/2744th of his original size (his atoms being shrunken as well), what would be the immediate and long-term biological effects on the body, given that the natural w...
Mating rituals are various behaviours, serving as a precursor to copulation in almost all animal species. In general these serve to aid the females of the species to pick out a mate. They can be in...
I wrote a story in which humans live on huge trees on a fictional habitable planet similar to earth. the tree would be even more huge than the hometree from avatar. The tree is not taller than th...
I am working with a story. I wish to make my story somewhat logical by adding some science and thereby not making it to appear fantasy. This story is on a fictional planet far away from Earth. Let...
About the Question The end questions are about the mechanics of the repair work itself for certain parts of the scarf. Everything else should be explained below. Location On one of the worlds of...
Assume Earth biochemistry, a thicker atmosphere (1.7 atm) with 22% oxygen and 0.6g. (not sure if conditions really matter, though) How would a lion-sized, quadruped, land-based, intelligent preda...
Would it be possible, through genetic engineering or on some alien world, to have a creature with a biological rebreather? That is, a method of recycling the oxygen in a closed circuit, so as to ma...
What would happen to a planet if its core suddenly disappeared? I'm talking instantly and without warning, gone. I'm not concerned with how scientifically accurate this would be, because I'm absol...
So imagine you're looking at the world map. More specifically, the left half (when the world map is cut along a vertical line, so the half stretches from the left edge of a current world map to a l...
I'm trying to create a new race of humanoids that are in appearance almost identical to humans with one exception: They have an extension of their spine protruding from their back, much like a tail...
If a modern Day tank suddenly appears in 14th century Constantinople; in perfect condition, along with all the ammo, fuel, and components needed for it to run. How much of the technology in the tan...
Plain and simple: could your offspring's offspring be genetically identical to you? What conditions would this be possible under, if any?
Alien and fantasy creatures can be designed in an infinite number of ways. But are there physiological traits that would be common among all tool-developing (technology-building) species? As an e...