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Posts tagged humans

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+0 −0
Q&A How would I design a human body for zero gravity?

It's well established that the human body does not do well in zero gravity. Symptoms such as fluid loss, muscle atrophy, bone mass loss are well known. Less well known problems extend to such mun...

3 answers  ·  posted 8y ago by Green‭  ·  last activity 8y ago by Green‭

+0 −0
Q&A How long would a Martian colony take to gain independence?

Assuming only plausible advancements in science, a Martian colony is established before the end of the century. (Sooner if possible). What materials would be needed in regular shipments from Earth?...

3 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Red_Shadow‭  ·  last activity 8y ago by Red_Shadow‭

+0 −0
Q&A Can humans be trained to live in extremely low pressure?

Let's say that I want to colonize a planet which is basically like mars but has got an atmosphere which still has extremely low pressure but consists mainly of oxygen. The temperatures are more or ...

1 answer  ·  posted 9y ago by MedwedianPresident2‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by MedwedianPresident2‭

+0 −0
Q&A Are there any side effects if genomic imprinting no longer exists?

I'm trying to make a world that human sex ratio is 2:8 (male:female). Most of the females are homosexual, and male is not necessary for reproduction. I thought it was easy at first, just say that t...

2 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by fairytale‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by fairytale‭

+0 −0
Rigorous Science The limits of human biology: atmospheric tolerances (#1)

This is the first question in a series on the physical limits of the human body. The intent of this series is to, illustrate the upper and lower limits of human biology for the purpose of buil...

1 answer  ·  posted 9y ago by James‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by James‭

Question humans
+0 −0
Q&A What is the maxiumum depth for an Earth like atmosphere?

I am sure most of you have seen Star Wars. In Episode IV: The Empire Strikes Back our heroes travel to Bespin, a gas planet with a habitable zone to refuel at the floating cloud city. Well of cou...

1 answer  ·  posted 9y ago by Josh Belmont‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Josh Belmont‭

+0 −0
Q&A How To Cook For Forty Humans?

It's the year 2050, and you're the planner for a manned mission to Pluto - New New Horizons. The mission will take 5 years round trip, and there are 40 members of the crew. What's the most effici...

4 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Dan Smolinske‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Dan Smolinske‭

+0 −0
Q&A Fell the phylogenetic tree

A top secret organization is planning to introduce a New World Order and replaces every human being (homo sapiens sapiens) with the evolved form of sub species of homo sapiens. Meaning we are sub s...

3 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by user6760‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by user6760‭

+0 −0
Q&A What could cause infertility between humans living in gravity and humans in space? How could that cause speciation?

Concerning long term effects of zero gravity on humans living in space compared with those living on super earths with 1.5x to 2x G, how could the gravity differences cause reproductive failure amo...

6 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Ansible‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Ansible‭

+0 −0
Q&A How can people naturally become smaller?

Over the course of Homo-sapiens, we have become larger, because of diet & selection. Even in the last couple centuries. Today, we vary across geography and cultures, too, of course. Now it i...

6 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Mikey‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Mikey‭

+0 −0
Q&A Could humans survive if they always had the psychological effects of alcohol and if so, how different would they be?

By psychological effects of alcohol, I mean the effects from 0.060"“0.099 Blood Alcohol Content % by volume (according to this Wikipedia article), but not the physical effects, like alcohol poisoni...

6 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Orfby‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Orfby‭

Question psychology humans
+0 −0
Q&A Mechanisms behind different metabolisms for regular and synthetic food

In this world I'm building, a bunch of previously inactive genes in humans have started expressing, and changed newborns' metabolic system dramatically. As a result, a portion of population cannot...

6 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by wellagain‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by wellagain‭

+0 −1
Rigorous Science Changing Earth's rotation rate

Variations of this question have been asked and answered previously but I am looking for something specific. Situation: Earth's body (mantel and crust) rotate at different rates than it's core (I ...

1 answer  ·  posted 9y ago by Jim2B‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Jim2B‭

+0 −0
Q&A Does a human-animal transformation also transform DNA?

If a human were cursed with the need to transform into a specific animal (i.e. a canine), would his DNA change after the transformation? I would appreciate help in answering this question. This i...

4 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by user9288‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by user9288‭

+0 −0
Q&A Trait-Absorbing Race

I am building a race of humans (or humanoid constructs) that have the ability to alter their DNA (or store a second set and use it selectively) as to gain superhuman (or meta-human) abilities. Is ...

2 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by HadesHerald‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by HadesHerald‭

+0 −0
Q&A How long would a modern human population need to be separated in order to suffer allopatric speciation?

A sizeable human population was separated from the rest of the Earth people for a long time, long enough for allopatric speciation to happen. They are no longer Homo sapiens and now have ZERO repro...

3 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Mindwin‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Mindwin‭

Question evolution humans
+0 −0
Q&A What would life be like if everyone was judged on a point system like SE?

Got this idea from Antarctica in the Legend series by Marie Lu Imagine that we've become so technologically advanced that every person, ages 3 and up, has an implant in their head that tracks ever...

2 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by michaelpri‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by michaelpri‭

Question society humans earth
+0 −0
Q&A Big Green Men... from Earth

There are a couple of stories where humans gain chloroplasts. Here's a clip from one story: They are also infused with bacteriorhodopsin, allowing photosynthesis. It is now possible for a huma...

1 answer  ·  posted 9y ago by user3082‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by user3082‭

Question biology humans flora
+0 −0
Q&A A Trillion Unruly Gods

Imagine that we live in a setting where there are a trillion humans (see linked question). A bit crowded, I know. Further imagine that at least the entire energy output of the Sun was available to ...

7 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Serban Tanasa‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Serban Tanasa‭

+0 −0
Q&A Could humans breathe on a planet that had a liquid hemoglobin (or some artificial blood substitute) atmosphere?

This is about a fictional planet that has a solid land surface but on which the atmosphere is composed of some liquid containing hemoglobin, or some artificial blood substitute. I am not sure yet ...

2 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by coderworks‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by coderworks‭

+0 −0
Q&A Is it possible for humans to live on such a planet?

Is it possible for humans to live on a world with the following conditions? Atmosphere: 50% nitrogen; 30% oxygen; 20% carbon dioxide. Climate: The rain in some areas is acidic. (Is there som...

5 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by ballah‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by ballah‭

+0 −0
Q&A Making the First contact

Visiting the Worldbuilding site plays with my creativity and imagination. So I am going to describe the dream I had: I am member of a different (alien) culture, from a different star system. Also,...

3 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Pavel Janicek‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Pavel Janicek‭

+0 −0
Q&A How would a Martian colony be able to celebrate Christmas?

Accept that we had a reason to go to Mars, managed to build a colony there, and what we found on Mars is valuable enough to ship back to Earth. There is now a self sustainable colony living under t...

12 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by Pavel Janicek‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by Pavel Janicek‭

+0 −0
Q&A Is it possible for humans to evolve to eat something like wood or stone or something similar?

Is it possible for humans to evolve to eat something like wood or stone or something similar? Any hard material you would find or any abundant resource. So is it possible that humans in the past ha...

3 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by CrazySlayaNinjaBear‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by CrazySlayaNinjaBear‭

Question evolution humans
+0 −0
Q&A Could a civilization as advanced as humans exist on a planet/dwarf planet like Pluto?

Could a civilization exist on a planet/dwarf planet like Pluto? It is so cold and barren. Is it possible? What would they live off? They don't have to be humanoid.

5 answers  ·  posted 9y ago by CrazySlayaNinjaBear‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by CrazySlayaNinjaBear‭

+0 −0
Q&A What would be the short-term and long-term effects of an increase in the strength of gravity on humans?

I heard that some scientists placed chickens under 2.5g for 6 months, and they survived. A normal human would black out at 5g. A trained astronaut could take up to 8g before blacking out. 20g woul...

1 answer  ·  posted 9y ago by BuildingBetterWorlds‭  ·  last activity 9y ago by BuildingBetterWorlds‭